Orders are shipped via: GLS or dedicated transport.
Expected packing time: is calculated based on the current shipping queue and provided on the product card for each product as well as in the shopping cart. For an order that has already been placed, you can also check the expected shipment time by logging into your customer account, in the my orders section. Expected packing time is given as an estimate for orders that do not require processing (splitting, merging, transferring products to the order) and may change during order processing.
Transport time*: is given in the cart next to the selected courier. Transport time is counted as business days from the moment the order is handed over to the courier. The customer automatically receives such information about the change in order status.
We currently ship to the following European Union countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Spain, Netherlands, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Hungary, Italy.
Shipments to EU countries are carried out by: GLS, or dedicated transport. NOTE! For international shipments, in order for the store system to properly display the cost of delivery of a single product given on the product card, it is necessary to log in and select the delivery country. Without logging in, the cost of delivery for a single product is given for Poland. The cost of shipping the entire order consisting of multiple products is given in the cart at the 2nd step of ordering. Delivery cost depends on the order's weight, volume, maximum dimension, sum of dimensions, order value, and selected additional delivery options.
Shipments to non-EU countries are carried out by: GLS, or dedicated transport. NOTE! For international shipments, in order for the store system to properly display the cost of delivery of a single product given on the product card, it is necessary to log in and select the delivery country. Without logging in, the cost of delivery for a single product is given for Poland. The cost of shipping the entire order, consisting of multiple products, is given in the cart at the 2nd step of ordering. Delivery cost depends on the order's weight, volume, maximum dimension, sum of dimensions, order value, and selected additional delivery options.
NOTE! Shipments to countries outside the EU may be subject to customs duty. Sales or deliveries of some products may also be excluded due to transport form restrictions or individual destination country limitations.
Shipments to other countries are sent after prior arrangement of feasibility and are carried out only after prepayment. Costs are determined individually. After prior contact. Please note that not all products may be shipped due to exceeding border dimensions and weight, or other limitations of destination or transit countries.
For atypical orders for which the system cannot automatically indicate delivery costs, individual pricing is possible. In the 2nd step of the cart with such an order, a delivery option "quote for dedicated transport" will appear - after receiving such an order, the store staff will contact the buyer and determine the possible cost of transport. Please note that some orders may not be possible to execute due to transport or legal restrictions.